Mathematics Lab

It provides an opportunity to students to understand and internalise the basic mathematical concepts through concrete situations.
The laboratory gives greater scope for individual participation.
It helps build interest and confidence among the students in learning the subject.
It provides opportunity to the students to repeat an activity several times.
It encourages students to become autonomous learners and allows an individual student to learn at his or her own pace.
Our mathematics laboratory is well equipped to conduct practicals for all classes.
It allows and encourages students to discuss, think and assimilate the concepts in a better manner through group learning.
It provides opportunity to students to understand the applications of mathematics in their surrounding and real life situations.
It widens the experimental base and prepares the ground for better learning of new areas in the subject.
All activities of mathematics laboratory involve both the mind and the hands of students working together, which facilitates cognition.
Through mathematics laboratory activities interest of students will increase.
"The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson "