School Rules

A) Payment of the Fee

1. Fee is to be deposited through cash or online or by cheque. Post dated cheque will not be  accepted. In case a cheque is bounced, a fine of  Rs. 300 will be charged.
2. The cheque must be drawn in favour of SHIKSHA BHARATI GLOBAL SCHOOL.
3. Fee can be paid by the 10th day of the month. Thereafter a fine of Rs. 10/- per day will be charged.
4. In case of non-payment of the fees for one month, the name of the student is automatically struck-off the rolls without giving any prior notice to the parents.
5. All the outstanding dues as well as the fee for the month of March have to be cleared by 10th February to avoid any inconvenience.

B) Absence and Leave

A minimum of 75% attendance is a pre requisite for the Final/Board Exams.
The followings rules must be followed in case leave becomes unavoidable:-
a) In case of a leave is planned, submit a leave application written by a parent or an e-mail can also be sent.
b) In case of absence due to illness or unforseen circumstances, submit a leave application within 2 working days.
c) Medical certificate is to be attached with application in case of illness.
d) If a child remains absent for three or more consecutive days or remains regularly absent without information or valid reason, the name of the student will be struck off the rolls. Re-admission charges are Rs. 1000/-.

C) Withdrawal Rules

1. Transfer Certificate application (in form) must be signed by both parents. If the application is submitted in mid of the month, then tuition fee for the whole month will be charged.
2. A Transfer certificate will be issued after 3 days on clearance of the all school dues.
3. Once application submitted for Transfer Certificate, child won't be allowed to attend the classes, otherwise, school fee for the month will be charged.
4. I-card and Library Card must be returned to the librarian before clearance.

D) Punctuality: Students who come to school on their own / or are dropped by parents should arrive at school on time. The school gates will close at 7:50 a.m. The school is not responsible for any child who comes to school gate after 7:50 a.m. However, under rare circumstances the child may be allowed with the due permission of the principal.

E) Regularity: Students must attend school regularly. Regularity must be maintained while submitting the assignments and homework note books.

F) Maintenance of School Property:  Students are expected to respect their school property. No student should damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on walls. Damages done even by accident should be reported at once to the class teacher. Students are liable to compensate for the damage caused.

G) Cleanliness : Do not litter the school. Use the dustbin. Defacing walls or graffiti is ugly. Do not scribble on desks, walls or doors. Maintain your report cards, notebooks, files and other material neatly and clean.

H) Personal hygiene: Keep yourself clean, nails and hair must be clean and tidy. Wear clean and well ironed uniform. Polish your shoes daily. Use the washroom cleanly. Use a tissue or a handkerchief while sneezing. Cover your mouth while coughing, yawning or sneezing.

I) Courtesy: The language of a student must reflect refinement. Use of polite expressions is recommended on every occasion. Learn to use 'Excuse me', 'Please', 'Thank you', 'Sorry', 'Could I .........', liberally. Decorum must be maintained while talking to teachers and seniors. Extend courtesies to everyone including equals and juniors.

"The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson "